Order - 18
Game - Sonic the Hedgehog (1991)
Platform Played On - Master System
Start Date - 06/06/2011 - 19:40
End Date - 06/06/2011 - 20:23
Time Taken - 00:43:29 (0 hours 43 minutes 29 seconds)
Saves - 0
Deaths - 10
Rating Out of 10 - 8.5
Difficulty Rating Out of 10 - 4
Your Worst Enemy - Playing it like the Megadrive version
Settings - No changeable settings
Definition of Completion - Collect all chaos emeralds, defeat Robotnik and clear all levels. Wait for credit music to stop and screen to freeze at the credits.
Interruptions/breaks - None
Completed Before? - Yes
First Death - Bridge Zone, Act 1. An enemy hit knocked me off the bridge
Lives at Start - 3
Lives at End - 6
Most Enjoyable Area/level - Green Hill Zone, Act 2
Least Enjoyable Area/level - Labyrinth Zone, Act 2
Notes - While not as good as the Megadrive version this game was still something I played when I was young. Though this 10-death run was terrible I still enjoy the game and find its differences from the original stimulating and inventive.
State when Playing - A little pissed off at dying so much
