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42 - Ape Escape (1999)


Order - 42 Game - Ape Escape (1999) Platform Played On - PlayStation 2 Start Date - 26/12/2020 - 16:21 End Date - 27/12/2020 - 00:30 Time Taken - 08:09:56 (8 Hours 09 Minutes 56 Seconds) Saves - 7 Deaths - 39 Rating Out of 10 - 9 Difficulty Rating Out of 10 - 6 Your Worst Enemy - Hidden Specter Coins Settings - No changeable settings Definition of Completion - Save file shows 100%. Capture all monkeys and collect all Specter coins. Definition of Death - Deaths count as losing a life. Note that the apparent "deaths" on time-attack levels do not result in the loss of a life and so do not count. Interruptions/breaks - One quick break to go and check on my pregnant wife and make sure she was okay. She was. Completed Before? - Yes First Death - (Occurs at 01:09:34 in the video) On the Great Wall level I was shot by an ape-controlled UFO. Lives at Start - 4 Lives at End - 16 Most Enjoyable Area/Level -Trick Castle Least Enjoyable Area/Level - Icicle Cave

Strategy - I use the dash hoop regularly to move quickly. Occasionally I use the Slingshot glitch to get higher. My general strategy was to complete all the levels normally, then go through them again to get the Specter coins, and then go through them one final time to complete Time Attack.

Notes - Ape Escape is one of the best games I've ever played. I LOVE the control scheme and I'm really surprised it's not used more often in games. Primitive Beach has the best music in the entire game, but Galaxy Monkey is also extremely catchy as well. Really all of the music is incredible and brings the game together.

I remember playing this often as a kid. It really does hold a special place in my heart.

State when Playing - This was played on Boxing Day, so I was drinking quite a lot of Jack Daniels & Coke whilst playing this. So I got progressively drunker as the game continued. This resulted in me needing a piss quite badly at certain points - and I had to face the final boss early just to be able to go during the credits. Resources - I had to look up the location of a couple of Specter Coins. Most notably on the Great Wall level and on Trick Castle. I just could not find them.

(Alas, no game-ending screenshot because I was drunk and forgot.)

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