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39 - Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (1990)


Order - 39

Game - Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (1990)

Platform Played On - Mega Drive II

Start Date - 19/04/2016 - 15:14

End Date - 19/04/2016 - 15:44

Time Taken - 00:30:35 (0 Hours 30 Minutes 35 Seconds)

Saves - 0

Deaths - 1

Rating Out of 10 - 8

Difficulty Rating Out of 10 - 6

Your Worst Enemy - The falling stone blocks from the castle level.

Settings - Normal difficulity, A: shot, B: shot, c: Jump/attack

Definition of Completion - Collect all of the gems, defeat Mizrabel, and save Minnie. Timer ends when the screen flashes white after saving Minnie.

Definition of Death - Deaths count as losing a try as a result of reducing Mickey's power to 0 or through instant death.

Interruptions/breaks - None

Completed Before? - Yes

First Death - (Occurs at 00:21:44 of the video) I mis-jumped onto a knight and took the final damage needed to lose a try.

Lives at Start - 3

Lives at End - 7

Most Enjoyable Area/Level - Level 3 - the labyrinth

Least Enjoyable Area/Level - Level 4 - the giant-sized world

Strategy - I had played through prior so I knew what to expect in each level, for the most part. So the strategy was just to complete each level as quickly as possible.

Notes - The date now is 26/06/2020 and, like with Space Invaders, it's been over four years since I played this game. I'm only just getting around to writing the log now. This game is a really fun platformer. It's so fun to bounce off of things to get about the level. The music is such a strong point and this game has one of the most fitting OSTs I've heard. The music just suits each level and fits the mood prefectly. My favourite music comes from the final boss level. I also really like the music just as you enter door 3 (before you reach the labyrinth) - it feels like you're on a quest. I love the design of the diamonds that you can collect for points - it's so retro! They remind me of the diamonds from Dizzy the Egg in Magicland. I love the jelly that you can sink through, it's so cute. I also really love the flipscreen part from the toybox level, where you go to the roof - I think it's really well done. I played the Master System version for the game logs and I think I like the look of them both equally.

State when Playing - I'd had a cider so I was perhaps slightly tipsy.

Resources - None

(I can't believe I found the ending photograph.)

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