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41 - Spyro the Dragon (1998) [TEN YEAR ANNIVERSARY REPLAY]


Order - 41 Game - Spyro the Dragon (1998) Platform Played On - Playstation 2 Start Date - 13/06/2020 - ? End Date - 13/06/2020 - ? + 04:51:17 Time Taken - 04:51:17 (4 Hours 51 Minutes 17 Seconds) Saves - 10 Deaths - 35 Rating Out of 10 - 10 Difficulty Rating Out of 10 - 6 Your Worst Enemy - Playing Reignited too much and losing your touch for the controls of the original. Settings - No changeable settings Definition of Completion - 120% completion (defeat Gnasty Gnorc, rescue ALL dragons, retrieve ALL treasure). Timer ends upon exiting Gnasty's Loot. Definition of Death - Any loss of life (a visible reduction of Spyro's lives). Flight level crashes/fails do not count as deaths. Deaths which occur during the portion of the playthrough that crashed are not included in the final count. Interruptions/breaks - Had to answer the door and use the bathroom. Timer continued. Additionally a crash of the game occurs at 03:35:20 (video time). However I have not subtracted this time from the total. Completed Before? - Yes First Death - (Occurs at 00:26:33 in the video) Toasty, squashed by dog. Lives at Start - 3 Lives at End - 16 Most Enjoyable Area/Level - Magic Crafters Homeworld Least Enjoyable Area/Level - Dark Passage

Strategy - Quite simply, my strategy was to complete each level as fast as possible.

Notes - Ten years. It's been ten years since I began this game log and played Spyro for the first entry. So much has changed in this time, and yet so much hasn't. What hasn't changed is my love of games, especially those I grew up with. But I suppose the biggest change to come is with how little time I have to actually play games these days. However, I just had to replay Spyro for the 10th anniversary.

So what can I say about Spyro the Dragon? It's fun, nostalgic, and it still holds up to this day. That's even with the Reignited Triology being out. And I love playing Reignited, but the charm of the original is unmatched.

However my disk must be slightly scratched because a crash occurs in the playthrough at one of the worst times - on my way to Gnasty's Home world where I would have saved. I lose about 50 minutes due to having to replay all of Dream Weavers. Also there are some long loading screens and sound issues. I must remember to buy a new disk.

There isn't much more to say. I love the original Spyro so much, and I love playing games for this list. And I only hope to get to a place where I can do this more.

I'll shall return to this game for another playthrough in ten years.

Lofty Castle still has the best music.

State when Playing - Nostalgic. Resources - None Link to video:

(I forgot to get a game-ending screenshot but here's a random photo I made midway through.)



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