Order - 40
Game - Chess (c. 6th-century)
Platform Played On - A table
Start Date - 30/12/2018 - I don't really know what time we started
End Date - 30/12/2018 - Some unknown time plus 32 minutes and 33 seconds
Time Taken - 00:32:33 (0 Hours 32 Minutes 33 Seconds)
Saves - 0
Deaths - 1
Rating Out of 10 - 7
Difficulty Rating Out of 10 - 8
Your Worst Enemy - Having a board that is slightly too small for your pieces.
Settings - Playing as white
Definition of Completion - Play a game until a win, lose, or draw occurs.
Definition of Death - There is one possiblity of death which will occur should I lose.
Interruptions/breaks - None
Completed Before? - Yes
First Death - (Occurs at 00:32:48 on the video) I became checkmated.
Lives at Start - 1
Lives at End - 0
Most Enjoyable Area/Level - My dining room
Least Enjoyable Area/Level - My dining room
Strategy - Earlier in the game I try to spread out as many of my pieces as possible in order to dominate as much of the board as I can. Later on, as my inability to win becomes clear, I try my best to stalemate the game.
Notes - The date now is 26/06/2020 and I'm typing up the log for this now. To be honest, this entire log is a joke. I mean chess? C'mon. That's silly. To be honest it was the day before new years (or it might have been new years, I can't remember) and I realised that if I didn't play something then for the games log then I would have another empty year on my hands. And since I couldn't be bothered setting up my equipment to record a video game, I just set up a camera and recorded me and my wife playing chess.
I like chess a lot, I really do, but I'm terrible at it.
State when Playing - Err...
Resources - The memory of the first few pages of a book about chess strategy that I read about 2 years prior to get me to sleep.
Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tp7B9MYJMo