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19 - Chav Hunter (2006)


Updated: Jun 24, 2019

Order - 19

Game - Chav Hunter (2006)

Platform Played On - PC

Start Date - 21/06/2011 - 15:02

End Date - 21/06/2011 - 15:03

Time Taken  - 00:01:08 (0 hours 01 minute 08 seconds)

Saves - 0

Deaths - 0

Rating Out of 10 - 6

Difficulty Rating Out of 10 - 4

Your Worst Enemy - Spotting violent enemies in time

Settings - No changeable settings

Definition of Completion - Complete all missions and assassinate the infamous, “Chav Boss.” Wait for the “Thanks for playing” screen after the final level.

Interruptions/breaks - None

Completed Before? - Yes

First Death - None

Lives at Start - Unlimited

Lives at End - Unlimited

Most Enjoyable Area/level - The second level

Least Enjoyable Area/level - The fourth level

Notes - Oh so we’re including flash games now? That’s right, but hopefully not tons of them. I fondly remember this game from when I was about 14-to-15 and hated chavs more than ever. It’s nothing special but it’s a cool enough game to enjoy and the novelty is what makes it so appealing.

State when Playing - Just coming out of a long cold



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