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2 - T'ai Fu: Wrath of the Tiger


Updated: Jun 24, 2019

Order - 2

Game - T'ai Fu: Wrath of the Tiger (1999)

Platform Played On - PlayStation 2

Start Date - 24/06/2010 - 21:03

End Date - 24/06/2010 - 23:37

Time Taken  - 02:34:11 (2 hours 34 minutes 11 seconds)

Saves - 7

Deaths - 40

Rating Out of 10 - 8

Difficulty Rating Out of 10 - 5

Your Worst Enemy - Camera Angles

Settings - No changeable settings

Definition of Completion - Free father’s spirit, defeat Dragon Master, no more progressive game play available

Interruption/breaks - None

Completed Before? - Yes

First Death - Temple Bridges: fell off the edge

Lives at Start - 5

Lives at End - 1

Most Enjoyable Area/level - Temple Bridges

Least Enjoyable Area/level - Tiger Mountains

Notes - The controls can get monogamous and the music is a little generic. The voice acting is lame but also quite cool to listen to. The angles can be very hard to work with and a huge flaw is the lack of an angle-change button. There is a good storyline and I love the area movement in the level select screen, very nostalgic for me. The leopard princess is damn sexy.



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