Order - 23
Game - Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse (1990)
Platform Played On - Master System
Start Date - 02/01/2012 - 23:50
End Date - 03/01/2012 - 00:19
Time Taken - 00:29:23 (0 hours 29 minutes 23 seconds)
Saves - 0
Deaths - 3
Rating Out of 10 - 7
Difficulty Rating Out of 10 - 4
Your Worst Enemy - Enemy ‘A’s
Settings - Normal difficulty
Definition of Completion - Collect all seven gems. Beat the witch and rescue Minnie. Wait for title screen after credits.
Interruptions/breaks - None
Completed Before? - Yes
First Death - Door 4 (giant-size world), unlucky hits by other enemies drained my health. Then I misjudged the jump distance onto a caterpillar and died once it touched me.
Lives at Start - 30
Lives at End - 35
Most Enjoyable Area/level - The Dragon Boss
Least Enjoyable Area/level - Door 4 (giant-size world)
Notes - I’d never played this before but I bought it at a retro gaming shop in Manchester because I’d played the sequel when I was young. This was such a fun game to play and work out, just like Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle. The timing is a really important thing to grasp. Certainly not easy, but not over-the-top difficult. I enjoyed learning what to do. No complaints, it’s a good game. Unsure of score but certainly over 50,000.
State when Playing - Absolutely fine, possible chance of being a tiny bit tipsy (but doubtable.)
