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  • marsh500

31 - Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee (2002)

Order - 31

Game - Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee (2002)

Platform Played On - Xbox

Start Date - 27/07/2014 - 19:16

End Date - 27/07/2014 - 23:17

Time Taken  - 04:01:15 (4 hours 01 minutes 15 seconds)

Saves - 31

Deaths - 29

Rating Out of 10 - 9

Difficulty Rating Out of 10 - 4

Your Worst Enemy - Poor ability to choose which object the action button is aimed at

Settings - Vibration: On

Definition of Completion - Save all Fuzzles, Scrubs, and Labor Eggs. Achieve Angelic Quarma. Timer ends after title screen is visible after credits.

Definition of Death - Deaths count as either Munch or Abe dying. Even with resurrection their death will count. A death must be witnessed to be counted, so falling into water as Abe and then reloading a save does not count unless Abe is seen to be dead. Even stricter: the sound of Munch or Abe dying must also be heard (last-second quickloads before this noise is heard means no death has occurred since I consider the character to still be playable at this point.) Reloads do NOT count as saves or deaths. Obviously Snoozer breakdowns and enemies that die when possessed don’t count as deaths.

Interruptions/breaks - One break during The Loading Dock to use restroom, timer and recording continued, lasted 1 minute 45 seconds.

Completed Before? - Yes

First Death - Fuzzle Testing: Munch was slapped to death by Interns

Lives at Start - Unlimited

Lives at End - Unlimited

Most Enjoyable Area/Level - Reservoir Row

Least Enjoyable Area/Level - Dead River

Notes - I can remember being little. It was Christmas, and for it I got an XBOX with Munch’s Oddysee and a Homer Simpson air-chair. This game was all I’d play (even after the air chair popped about two weeks later.) In fact for a long time it was the only game I had on XBOX. It really is a great game. Okay sure there are flaws. The pacing is pretty bad and the repetition gets a little… meh. Abe jumps weird… whatevs. Have you played it? It’s gorgeous. The graphics are light-years ahead of its time. Not to mention that it just kicks ass. I mean, soda powerups? Woop. When I was young I expected there to be a Munch’s Exodus because that seemed like the logical sequel. Ahh well, we got Stranger’s Wrath which is nice.  

State when Playing - Great. Was working on the game’s trickier levels the same day.

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