Order - 32
Game - Metal Gear Solid: Special Missions (1999)
Platform Played On - PlayStation 2
Start Date - 31/08/2014 - 22:10
End Date - 01/09/2014 - 02:14
Time Taken - 04:04:00 (4 hours 04 minutes 00 seconds)
Saves - 2
Deaths - 17
Rating Out of 10 - 9
Difficulty Rating Out of 10 - 7
Your Worst Enemy - Subtle but important changes between Practice and Time Attack mode
Settings - Language: English, Sound: Stereo, Button Config A
Definition of Completion - Complete every VR mission. The percentage count in the top-right corner says ‘100%’. Timer ends when screen is visible after closing Metal Gear Ray artwork.
Definition of Death - Deaths count as failing a mission by seeing the 'Game Over’ screen. Restarts and exits do not count as deaths.
Interruptions/breaks - One break during Mystery 10’s non-skippable wait. Timer continued.
Completed Before? - Yes
First Death - Sneaking - No Weapon - Time Attack - Level 8: My digital controller responded badly and moved Snake away from the goal and into an enemy’s sight.
Lives at Start - Unlimited
Lives at End - Unlimited
Most Enjoyable Area/Level - VR Mission
Least Enjoyable Area/Level - Puzzle - Level 10
Notes - This game is so great. What I really love about it is that Snake is controlled exactly the same way as in Metal Gear Solid, allowing Special Missions to act as a method of training for the main game. All the different levels are great and I really love the unlocking system, in which the more normal levels have to be completed before the cooler ones become available. The music, atmosphere, and level diversity are all really good, and I appreciate the range of challenge between each level. This game was probably a tough one for me to beat when I was younger, although I seem to remember being able to battle through it. Nowadays it’s kind of gotten easier for me, but I still really enjoy it. I consider it canon to the series, taking place before Metal Gear Solid - to prepare Snake for Shadow Moses (although I’m sure that’s not officially true.)
State when Playing - Sick from a cold. Frustrated at malfunctioning recording equipment.
Link to Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ic_qocr9QgQ
