Order - 36
Game - Disney’s Donald Duck Quack Attack (2000)
Platform Played On - PlayStation 2
Start Date - 16/09/2015 - 16:23
End Date - 16/09/2015 - 20:10
Time Taken - 03:47:10 (3 Hours 47 Minutes 10 Seconds)
Saves - 19
Deaths - 74
Rating Out of 10 - 9
Difficulty Rating Out of 10 - 8
Your Worst Enemy - Bottomless pits
Settings - Language: English, New Game, Options (Music, Effects, and Sound) all set to default
Definition of Completion - Complete all levels normally, gather all S.P.E.C.I.A.L. letters, complete all of the Nephew’s Special Moves Challenge, find all golden threads, and complete all of Gladstone’s Time Attack challenges. Timer ends upon achieving 100% and seeing the subsequent “THE END!!” picture.
Definition of Death - Deaths count as Donald losing a life as a result of him falling into a bottomless pit/one-hit hazard or from him sustaining further damage whilst angry. Completing a level whilst failing to achieve the combo or time attack challenge does not count as a death. Interruptions/breaks - None
Completed Before? - Yes
First Death - The Gorge, Time Attack: I misjudged the distances involved when jumping onto two skunks. This caused Donald to walk into them and suffer damage and then death.
Lives at Start - 5
Lives at End - 99
Most Enjoyable Area/Level - Ancient Fate
Least Enjoyable Area/Level - Head Alley
Notes - Despite accidentally repeating a challenge and forgetting about the Bear’s Path time attack I should be able to say that this playthrough went pretty well… that is if it wasn’t for the final level. The Nephew’s Murky Way took 45 minutes to complete on time attack. It is one of the most frustrating levels I have ever had to play due to its length, hazards, and insane jumps at the very end. Despite this I wouldn’t count it as my least favourite level as there is a huge sense of achievement upon completing it. To be truthful, the levels I didn’t really care about were the mini-boss hand levels. Maybe it has something to do with the perspective and the fact that you can only see the area that Donald has just walked through, but they just bore me. My fiancée actually introduced me to this game. She really loves the colour palette and I have to agree. I’ve looked into other versions of the game online but only the PS2 version stands out to me. Its flow and smoothness seems to be just unmatched when compared to other versions - at least in my opinion. It was actually surprising how relatively unknown the PS2 version is online, as videos about the PS1 version greatly outnumber it. The game has such a good mix of simplicity and annoyance. The key to the regular 3D levels is to understand the game’s depth perception. Oddly, this game goes against every experience I’ve ever had of early 2000s 3D games. It surprises me, but its depth perception and camera angles are actually good. Jumps can be made safely with the use of logic, meaning that accuracy is not just down to luck (for the most part.) The 2D levels are my personal favourite and I find them much easier and more fun to play. This is even despite them being 2.5D which I have never really liked. I guess this game is full of surprises. The hand levels are… again just meh. The boss levels are pretty good but maybe a little too tricky to work out the first time. Donald Duck Quack Attack is a really fun game. I honestly have a fantastic time every time I play it which never really happens for me. Sure I love games. But what tends to happen is that I’ll become attached to a game, love it for a month, leave it for a year, love it for a month, and so on and so on. Even though I have respect and even great love for many games I can still leave them until I feel like playing them again. Yet nearly every time the thought of playing Quack Attack comes into my head I get excited, because I know that it’s a fun game and that I‘m going to have a fun time. I don’t love this game, but I do enjoy it excessively. Hell, maybe I do love it a bit.
State when Playing - With my fiancée which is unusual as I normally play games for the log alone.
Link to Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENuJO9q47j4
