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38 - Space Invaders Anniversary (2003)


Updated: Aug 8, 2020

Order - 38

Game - Space Invaders Anniversary (2003)

Platform Played On - PlayStation 2

Start Date - 27/01/2016 - 22:43

End Date - 28/01/2016 - 00:41

Time Taken - 01:58:36 (1 Hour 58 Minutes 36 Seconds)

Saves - 0

Deaths - 60

Rating Out of 10 - 6

Difficulty Rating Out of 10 - 8

Your Worst Enemy - Sneaky attacks from the aliens.

Settings - 50hz mode. The users for the two player mode for games were both played by me. The vs mode was played by me and my fiancée (at the time - now wife). All the options were set to default - extended lives at 1500 points, lives: 3, vibration: on, BGM:, BGM: volume 5.

Definition of Completion - Complete all arcade machines, playing them all to the best of my ability, and playing in two player mode wherever possible. Timer ends upon completing the last machine in the arcade.

Definition of Death - Deaths count as losing a laser cannon - that is, every time an alien projectile hits the player counts as one death.

Interruptions/breaks - None

Completed Before? - No

First Death - (Occurs at 00:05:04 of the video) Got hit by a projectile. There's not much to say about it.

Lives at Start - N/a

Lives at End - N/a

Most Enjoyable Area/Level - Space Invaders 3D Mode

Least Enjoyable Area/Level - T.T. Space Invaders Monochrome

Strategy - I didn't have much of a strategy. I guess that my main method of playing was to quickly dodge from underneath the enemies after shooting at them.

Notes - The date now is 26/06/2020. It's been over four years since I actually played this game for the game logs. I have neglected writing this log until now, partly due to being busy and partly from just not feeling like it. So I'll have to speak about it from memory. What I really remember about this game is its simplicity. It's Space Invaders - which is an enjoyable game, for sure - but it's nothing great. But still I can't critique it because it's not trying to be more than it is. And what it is, is fun. It's not mind-blowing fun, it's not intense, but it's enjoyable - like a crossword or a jigsaw puzzle. I liked playing all the old versions of the same game - especially the 3D version and the versus mode. While it's not an amazing game, it has charm in its simplicity. I totally respect it.

Here are my top scores (they're nothing to brag about):

T.T. Space Invaders Monochrome - 5560

T.T. Space Invaders Cellophane - 5940

T.T. Space Invaders Color - 5270

Space Invaders Upright - 4460

Space Invaders Part 2 Upright - 6470

T.T. Space Invaders Part 2 Color - 5430

Space Incaders Doubles - 1640

Space Invaders 3D - 6350

State when Playing - I don't remember.

Resources - None

Ah I forgot to take the game ending picture (or I can't find it now that four years have passed.)

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