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11 - MediEvil 2 (2000)


Updated: Jun 24, 2019

Order - 11

Game - MediEvil 2 (2000)

Platform Played On - PlayStation 2

Start Date - 27/01/2011 - 21:11

End Date - 28/01/2011 - 00:16

Time Taken  - 03:05:11 (3 hours 05 minutes 11 seconds)

Saves - 1

Deaths - 2

Rating Out of 10 - 8

Difficulty Rating Out of 10 - 4

Your Worst Enemy - Controlling the Dan-hand

Settings - No changeable settings

Definition of Completion - Collect all chalices, infiltrate Cathedral Spires to free all lost souls, defeat The Demon and Lord Palethorn. Wait for ‘loading’ screen after credits

Interruption/breaks - None

Completed Before? - Yes

First Death - Cathedral Spires: didn’t escape the collapsing cathedral in time

Lives at Start - Single Life

Lives at End - Single Life

Most Enjoyable Area/level - Kew Gardens

Least Enjoyable Area/level - Cathedral Spires

Notes - Another memorable game, this one however bringing me back to about 8 or 9. Still fun despite not being as good as the first game. It has some original ideas. Camera angles can be a little difficult to work with but that’s what’s to be expected for a PS1 game. Fun and lovable game. One of my personal favourites.

State When Playing - A little under slept.



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