Order - 26
Game - Disney’s Aladdin (1993)
Platform Played On - Megadrive II
Start Date - 08/04/2013 - 22:23
End Date - 08/04/2013 - 23:15
Time Taken - 00:52:50 (0 hours 52 minutes 50 seconds)
Saves - 0
Deaths - 11
Rating Out of 10 - 5
Difficulty Rating Out of 10 - 7
Your Worst Enemy - Damage slows you down mid-jump
Settings - Difficulty: Normal, Sword B - Throw A - Jump C
Definition of Completion - Complete all the levels, defeat Jafar, win the heart of the Princess. Wait for title screen after credits.
Interruptions/breaks - None
Completed Before? - Yes
First Death - Cave of Wonders, fell into water.
Lives at Start - 3
Lives at End - 7
Most Enjoyable Area/level - Agrabah Market
Least Enjoyable Area/level - Sultan’s Dungeon
Notes - This game doesn’t feel particularly well-designed. For instance the boss battle with the golden statue in the Cave of Wonders is pathetic as it lacks the requirement of a clever strategy. Sometimes it feels like the game designers tried so hard to reference the film that they forgot to make a good game. There’s too few levels. It starts off good, but then randomly throws in a flute-finding level and rushes the ending. It’s still very nostalgic to me and fun to play. Not so much fun to work out. Possibly my least favourite game I’ve done so far. Score was over 50000.
