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29 - QuackShot: Starring Donald Duck (1991)


Updated: Jun 24, 2019

Order - 29

Game - QuackShot: Starring Donald Duck (1991)

Platform Played On - Mega Drive II

Start Date - 25/04/2014 - 01:59

End Date - 25/04/2014 - 02:53

Time Taken  - 00:54:29 (0 hours 54 minutes 29 seconds)

Saves - 0

Deaths - 3

Rating Out of 10 - 7

Difficulty Rating Out of 10 - 7

Your Worst Enemy - Tricky jump detection

Settings - A-DASH B-SHOOT C-JUMP (Default)

Definition of Completion - Defeat the final boss on The Island, win the treasure, wait for ‘The End’ screen after the credits.

Interruptions/breaks - None

Completed Before? - Yes

First Death - Maharajah: slid into Snake Charmer

Lives at Start - 3

Lives at End - 4

Most Enjoyable Area/Level - Transylvania

Least Enjoyable Area/Level - Viking Ship

Notes - So I finally worked out how to record Mega Drive videos, but this recording has a lot of lag. This is a fun game that I used to play when I was little. I have strong memories of the map screen and enjoying how much choice I had with the order in which I played the levels. The jump detection is a little tricky to work with because often a second jump will not register when performed too quickly after the first jump. I remember little about the actual gameplay, but I still had a lot of fun working through the levels and solving how to beat certain areas and bosses. If I had to nit-pick then I’d say that the music is a little bland (though there are still some good tunes), that the green plunger is a waste of time, that not nearly enough levels make use of the chilli peppers, and that there’s too much backtracking (when collecting an item at the end of a level and having to go through it backwards to leave.) This game has been on my list for a while now and I really enjoyed it. I praise the level design and gameplay. And don’t forget, I have a fondness for games I loved when I was little. Final score was 375500.  

State when Playing - Quite tired.

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