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34 - Resident Evil 4 (2005)


Order - 34

Game - Resident Evil 4 (2005) Platform Played On - Nintendo GameCube Start Date - 09/02/2015 - 18:07

End Date - 09/02/2015 - 22:42

Time Taken  - 04:35:27 (4 hours 35 minutes 27 seconds)

Saves - 0 Deaths - 1 Rating Out of 10 - 8

Difficulty Rating Out of 10 - 8

Your Worst Enemy - Garradors

Settings - Difficulty: Normal, New game without memory card, Default options, Language: English

Definition of Completion - Defeat Saddler, rescue Ashley, escape the Island. Timer ends when the results page comes into focus.

Definition of Death - Deaths count as seeing either the ‘You are Dead’ screen or the 'Mission Failed’ screen. Retries from continue points do not count as deaths.

Interruptions/breaks - None

Completed Before? - Yes

First Death - Killed by the dungeon Garrador

Lives at Start - Single Life

Lives at End - Single Life

Most Enjoyable Area/Level - Chapter 4-1

Least Enjoyable Area/Level - Chapter 3-3

Notes - Has it really been ten years since this was made? That’s just amazing. This game along with Resi 0, the Resi remake, and The Wind Waker are actually the only games I’ve ever played on the GameCube. Back in the day I used to play using the official Resident Evil 4 model of the GameCube. Although the game has aged a little it definitely still holds up. I’m glad the series took a different direction at this point. It’s still very fun to play and I enjoy how it introduces new gameplay elements such as the timed events. I really enjoy how the game doesn’t reference a lot of the Resident Evil back-story and that it exists pretty much in its own universe. I feel this gives the game more realism and urgency. I broke the game up into four sections when practicing: The Farm, Castle-to-Sewers, Sewers-to-Island, and The Island. I’d have loved to have played on Professional mode but even with all my effort I couldn’t clear chapter 3. A fantastic game. Hit ratio: 72%, Enemies killed: 568.  

State when Playing - Hungry



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