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35 - Road Rash (1991)


Order - 35

Game - Road Rash (1991)

Platform Played On - Mega Drive II

Start Date - 28/05/2015 - 16:17

End Date - 28/05/2015 - 21:03

Time Taken  - 04:46:13 (4 hours 46 minutes 13 seconds)

Saves - Unsure (I lost the actual number but will recount one day. It was around 15.)

Deaths - 14

Rating Out of 10 - 7

Difficulty Rating Out of 10 - 10

Your Worst Enemy - Sharp bends

Settings - No changeable settings

Definition of Completion - Complete all five tracks within all five levels by achieving a minimum of fourth place. Timer ends after the final cutscene when level select becomes available again.

Definition of Death/Saves - Deaths count as failing to complete a level as a result of being busted or wrecking the bike. Saves are counted as the moments when I write down the level select code, regardless of whether or not I later load the code.

Interruptions/breaks - None

Completed Before? - Yes

First Death - Level 1, Grass Valley: I was nudged into a post and busted by O’ Rourke after clumsily trying to get around him.

Lives at Start - Single Life

Lives at End - Single Life

Most Enjoyable Area/Level - No preference

Least Enjoyable Area/Level - No preference

Notes - This game is insane. I couldn’t beat it when I was little, and I can barely beat it now. It is so much fun for the first three levels, but then it becomes a pain in the arse. The music, style, graphics, and controls are all really good. The challenge of the game is quite welcome at first. It really pushes you to make you want to beat it. But unfortunately you have to rely on luck just too many times, for example when turning blind corners which may or may not be hiding oncoming vehicles. I’m glad I beat this, even if I did have to reload a few codes due to gameovers. I’m looking forward to trying out Road Rash II. Hopefully it will be a little bit easier than this game.

State when Playing - Fine


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