Order - 6
Game - Time Crisis 2 (2001)
Platform Played On - PlayStation 2
Start Date - 03/08/2010 - 13:03
End Date - 23/08/2010 - 13:26
Time Taken - 00:22:56 (0 hours 22 minutes 56 seconds)
Saves - 0
Deaths - 7
Rating Out of 10 - 6
Difficulty Rating Out of 10 - 5
Your Worst Enemy - Red enemies
Settings - Very Easy, 4 hits per life, 9 credits, single-player, controller
Definition of Completion - “The End” screen shown. No more gameplay available.
Interruption/breaks - None
Completed Before? - Yes
First Death - Act 3 of first area: hit by bullets from boss’s boat’s rear guns.
Lives at Start - 9
Lives at End - 2
Most Enjoyable Area/level - Act 2 of area 1
Least Enjoyable Area/level - The whole of the 3rd area
Notes - I honestly completely suck at this game. Score of 499060. Game time score reads ‘19:32:96’. 73% accuracy.
[Post-run note: Although I took an ending screen picture of the last game, I do not do this again until game 9 when it becomes regular.]